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Ari Taublieb, CFPĀ®, MBA is the host of the Early Retirement Podcast and the Vice President of Root Financial, a financial planning firm that helps clients plan for retirement and get the most out of life with their money.

I grew up around undisciplined wealth.Ā 

My parents were great at making money, but I learned that's very different from having a financial strategy. I did not understand why, but there was always stress in the household no matter how much money they were making.

My parents had multiple financial advisors throughout their life because they had been burned by bad experiences. They didn't trust their advisor, hidden fees were being charged, and there was an overall lack of confidence in their financial plan.Ā 

I've spoken with thousands of people who were great at making money, but lacked a financial plan and therefore worked longer than they would have liked, spent less than they desired, and did not get the most life out of their dollars.

Time to retire early without running the risk of running out of money nor leaving money on the table unnecessarily.